Scientific work
Berger JL*, Daum SNK*, and Hartlieb M* (2024) Simply The Green: Urban Refuges. Basic and Applied Ecology, 4.
*shared first author
Hartlieb M, Raubitzek S, Berger JL, Staab M, Vogt J, Ayasse M, Ostrowski A, Weisser W, Blüthgen N (2024) Assessing mowing intensity: A new index incorporating frequency, machinery, and technique. Grassland Research. GitLab
Berger JL , Staab M, Hartlieb M, Simons NK, Wells K, Gossner MM, Vogt J, Achury R, Seibold S, Hemp A, Weisser WW, Blüthgen N (2024) The day after mowing: Time and type of mowing influence grassland arthropods.” Ecological Applications, e3022.
Sanetra D, Berger J, Hartlieb M, Simons N, Walther G, Blüthgen N, Staab M (2024) Disentangling how urbanisation influences moth diversity in grasslands. Insect Conservation and Diversity, 17(2), 229-242.
Massen JJM*, Hartlieb M*, Martin JS*, Leitgeb EB, Hockl J, Kocourek M, Olkowicz S, Zhang Y, Osadnik C, Verkleij JW, Bugnyar T, Němec P & Gallup AC (2021). Brain size and neuron numbers drive differences in yawn duration across mammals and birds. Communications Biology, 4(1), 503.
*shared first author
Submitted Manuscripts
Zenglein F, Berger JL, and Hartlieb M (in review) Biodiversity in cities: Limitations and chances in urban green space management. Urban Research & Practice
Berger JL, Hartlieb M, von Berg L, Brion A, Entling M, Frank J, Humbert J-Y, Mody K, Sann M, Staab M, Weisser WW, Blüthgen N (in review) The Insect Calculator: A web tool to predict meadow arthropods based on mowing impacts. People and Nature
Hartlieb M, Berger JL, Daum SNK, Freudenberg J, Zenglein F, Janich N, Blüthgen N: The living meadow: How mowing affects insects and spiders. Frontiers for Young Minds
Hartlieb M, Staab M, Berger JL, Achury R, Gossner MM, Seibold S, Weisser WW, Blüthgen N: Losers and winners: Responses of grassland arthropods to land-use components. Oikos
Talks & Conferences
February 2025
“Grünlandforschung im Fokus: Inter- und transdisziplinäre Zusammenarbeit als Schlüssel zur Bewältigung komplexer Herausforderungen” — Talk at Tage der Biodiversität, Vienna
January 2025
“Assessing mowing intensity: A new index incorporating frequency, machinery, and technique” — Poster (updated version) presentation at 2nd Annual Meeting of the Status of Insects RCN
December 2024
“Urban Refuges” — Poster presentation at 2nd FEdA International Conference: “Reversing Biodiversity Loss - Conflicts, Telecoupling and Successful Practices”
“The Insect Calculator” — Poster presentation at 2nd FEdA International Conference: “Reversing Biodiversity Loss - Conflicts, Telecoupling and Successful Practices”
November 2024
“The Importance of Interdisciplinarity and Collaborations in Grassland Research” — Invited speaker at the International Forum on Grassland Research in Lanzhou, China
September 2024
“The future of biodiversity in interdisciplinary research” — Session chair at GfÖ, Freising
“Long-term assessment of the impact of mowing intensity on grassland biodiversity” — Talk at GfÖ, Freising
June 2024
“BioDivKultur: From science to practice - about insects and meadows” — Invited speaker at TU München
September 2023
“Insektenschonende Mahd von Waldwegen” — Invited workshop leader on forest trail maintenance for employees of the Kreisforstamt, Reutlingen
“Assessing the mowing intensity on grassland and its applications to calculate effects on biodiversity” — Poster presentation at GfÖ, Leipzig
April 2023
“Lebensraum Wiese – wie wir Insektenvielfalt fördern und erhalten können” — Talk at BioDivKultur-Impuls in cooperation with NABU, Darmstadt
March 2023
“Insektenschonend mähen? Ergebnisse aus dem BioDivKultur-Projekt” — Talk at Frühjahrstagung POLLICHIA, Bad Dürkheim
September 2022
“Insektenschonend mähen - aber wie?” — Conference organizer at Mahdworkshop, Darmstadt
"Wiesen - Was bedeuten diese für die Insektenvielfalt" - Talk at Erlebnis Landmarkt, Darmstadt
February 2019
“Does yawn duration predict neurological measures in birds and mammals?” — Poster presentation at Ethologische Gesellschaft e.V., Hannover
Cover articles
Grassland Research Volume 3 Issue 3
This extensively managed meadow south of Darmstadt, Germany, is mown once a year for hay production using a bar mower with a reciprocating knife. This approach minimizes environmental impact, helping to preserve its biodiversity. A prior heatwave had already dried the herbage. Image courtesy of Sonja Daum (Margarita Hartlieb et al., pp: 264-274).